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Where is Your Pain Coming From?

Updated: Jun 7, 2022

It may not just be coming from one source

Whether you suffer from back, knee hip or shoulder pain, the location that you feel may not necessarily be the source. Pain can radiate away from the source and chemical changes that occur with inflammation can irritate surrounding tissues, causing changes in the type of pain you are feeling.

“Chronic pain is not all about the body, and it’s not all about the brain – it’s everything. Target everything. Take back your life.” Sean Mackey, MD, PhD

Compensatory pain can result from joints or muscles moving improperly and generating abnormal strain on other parts of the body. Hip joints should normally be mobile while lumbar spines are not. When tightness in the hip results in less mobility, the lumbar spine has to "take up the slack" and is loaded beyond its normal capacity. Soft tissue becomes irritated, an inflammatory response occurs, receptors signal our brain that something is not right and your brain produces the sensation of pain in your back.

Here Are Some Questions to Ask if You are Experiencing Pain.

How long have you had your pain? The duration of your pain provides clues to the underlying cause. Pain that occurs suddenly after lifting may be a muscles strain. Pain that occurs without provocation often occurs from tightness in other areas creating an increased load supporting tissues. Many cases of pain that occurs from an unknown source can be attributed to lifestyle factors such as stress, lack of sleep, nutritional imbalances and a sedentary lifestyle.

What is the quality of your pain? Achy pain is often related to overuse or muscle strength and flexibility imbalances. Sharp pain can indicate an acute muscle or tendon injury, or even an impinged joint. Tingling sensations and radiating pain can emanate from irritation to a nerve, either from compression or inflammation. Severe radiating pain in the buttock and leg is commonly called “sciatica” and can indicate different problems, including a possible herniated disc.

Is your pain localized or is it spread over a wide area? Wide-spread pain is typical of muscle overuse and weakness. However, chronic pain can create a spreading of painful sensations as your brain is trying to figure out what is wrong. People will experience this type of pain during or following prolonged standing, walking and other physical activities.

Is your pain worse at a specific time of day? Achy, stiff pain in the morning is often due to muscle and fascial tissue involvement. Pain during and/or following activities that is relieved with rest can be related to an overuse injury. If your pain prevents you from sleeping normally, it’s time to see a medical professional.

How can we help? A comprehensive treatment program can relieve your pain quickly and help prevent it from returning. The best– and for many people the quickest– way to relieve pain is to find its true source and treat it. Understanding the root cause of pain, regardless of where you feel it is key to a success outcome. A customized and individualized program should relieve your pain, restore your strength, and teach you how to keep your pain from returning.

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